Какво трябва да знаете за Китайската ангелика ( Dong Quai)?

Добавена на 16 Януари 2013 | Категория: Хранителни добавки | Добави в любими

Китайска ангелика? Що е то?
Други имена: Ангелика синенсис, донг куай, данг гуй, танг куей

Китайската ангелика е билка от семейството на целината, което произлиза от Китай, Япония и Корея. Коренът е медицински активен.

Китайската ангелика се среща в таблетна форма, като течен екстракт и като корен в сурова форма. В китайската медицина, растението често се вари или се напоява с вино. Коренът се отстранява и течността се приема през устата.

Защо хората използват китайска ангелика?

В китайската медицина се смята, че различните части от корена на китайската ангелика има различни свойства – главата на корена има антикоагулантна активност, основната част на корена е тоник, а края на корена елиминира застоя на кръв. Растението се счита за „женски женшен”, поради балансиращия ефект върхи женската хормонална система. Въпреки това, изследванията не са потвърдили хормоналния ефект на китайската ангелика.

Счита се, че растението води до облекчение на следните проблеми:
➡ Менопауза
➡ Слабост след раждане
➡ Служи за женски тоник
➡ Хронично запушване на носа и синусите
➡ Болезнена менструация
➡ Нередовно менструално кървене
➡ Фиброидни тумори
➡ Високо кръвно налягане
➡ Служи като кръвен тоник
➡ Фиброкистозна болест на гърдата
➡ Ревматични заболявания като ревматоиден артрит
➡ Анемия
➡ Алергии
➡ Запек
➡ Херпес
➡ Хепатит
➡ Главоболие

Възможни странични ефекти и опасения по отношение на безопасността

Китайската ангелика не трябва да се използва от хора с нарушения на кръвосъсирването, обилно менструално кървене, диария, подуване на корема или по време на инфекции като грип и настинка. Обадете се на вашия личен лекар, ако страдате от кървене, необичайни синини по кожата, диария или треска.

Китайската ангелика може да съдържа естрогено – подобни съединения и не трябва да се приема от бременни или кърмещи, деца или жени с рак на гърдата.

Хората, които приемат разредители на кръвта (антикоагуланти) като варфарин, не трябва да използват билката.

Китайската ангелика не трябва да се използва по време на бременност, особено през първите три месеца. Не трябва да се ползва и по време на кърмене.

Билката може да предизвика фоточувствителност, така че хората трябва да ограничат излагането на слънце и да използват кремове за защита от изгаряне.

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  • Anonimus
    When we're on the way to discussing about the EGG, one of the simple and easy oft asked questions Oil Painting Who came first: the chicken or even the egg? There is no clear inference towards the good reputation for this wonderful thing known as the Egg.Based on the Bible, the chicken came firstVan Gogh painting been mentioned as And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.And God said,and fowl that could fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.Then there's another school of thought which propounds that eggs arrived existence well before the chicken.Harold McGee in the book On Food and Cooking:Georgia O'Keeffe paintings Science and Lore of the Kitchen says these cells evolved about a billion years back.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201320709
    09 Юли в 17:22
  • Anonimus
    Policy subsidies to politically powerful vested interest, such as oil and agriculture, which is important but has the potential to generate than technology work and new entrepreneurs less. High-tech leader &amp rsquo, ballet; Oil Painting; announced his campaign has given great impetus to the reputation, I claim to be pro-business and occupation of labor, even my economic strength, positive change and growth in the most abstract oil painting. The Republicans tried to make me cry. President Bush, in his convention speech,
    I was accused of tax increases 128 times in Arkansas and enjoy Mother day painting every time. As early as in September, Bush campaign recharged again and again, despite the New York Times said: "this is wrong," Washington Post called it "exaggerated" and "angel, stupid religious painting, oil painting,"sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330714
    14 Юли в 06:26
  • Anonimus
    This than my previous job. More vegetables, cadmium yellow color mixed with Mars black, combination of French ultramarine, and Oil Painting Reproductions. I want more monotonous landscape green so they are black and yellow face is more blue and yellow. I have used other color phthalocyanine blue, yellow ochre, red brown, cadmium red, Christianity oil paintings. I usually keep a lot of notes of my project, but in this one should soon I didn't do it.So I don't know how long I've been completely, work on it a bit like 4 hours. I plan on another couple will complete Wassily Kandinsky. This is the 14 x 18 inch, painting board.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330717
    17 Юли в 14:44
  • Anonimus
    Thank you for visiting this site, which was dedicated to my grandfather, he quietly left the material world 2009. He was in the 90's, although the end almost blind, he managed to produce some excellent Oil Painting of him. He is a true artist. He studied art and photography in Rome when he was young. He painted numerous paintings in his life. He specialized in Night sky painting, mostly in landscape painting (usually imagine), but also in the still life paintings, mostly is the object in the home (although he likes drawing). He painted many landscape oil painting,I hope the lucky people all are endowed with one of his works will cherish them, like I do he gave me.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330719
    19 Юли в 14:52
  • Anonimus
    I enjoy painting to the art, especially because he. He will always be a part of our art through his Photo to Painting and many of our unforgettable discussion. I hope you find some inspiration and useful information in the site.who, do not make their mortgages and Christmas oil painting. Then, strangely, Bush said he had been to a black church, notice on pregnant teenagers to read. Finally, he said, it is not
    To be fair, you don't know what the problem is unless you have it. When it was my turn, Mother and Child painting, I served as governor of a small state for twelve consecutive years. I know the name of the person, who lost
    Their work and business. I met all over the country in the last year. I ran the state government and saw to cut the federal service the human consequences.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330720
    20 Юли в 16:01
  • Anonimus

    We are located in Shenzhen, the prime minister in Chinese Canvas Painting reproduction center. All of our products are hand-painted oil painting canvas real.We provide all kinds of abstract oil painting masterpiece. The painter with a bachelor's degree in all our talented artists, museum quality assurance. Has its special meaning in each oil paint on one hand we. We are a leading Service Corporation, the world's first oil painting. Mother day painting is our soul and life. We offer the lowest price for master painting copy on our earth.You are the most precious photos can be turned into a portrait painting on canvas, not only brought memories back to life will become a precious Jiabao future for you and your family. It's so easy, you send us your favorite photos, our artists will copy it in oil and breeding, ensure that your standards.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330721
    21 Юли в 17:02
  • Anonimus
    Our mission is to wholesale distributors, offers the best value of Oil Painting Reproductions and the service of the hotel, restaurants, galleries, interior designers, furniture manufacturers, and consumers. We only provide 100% hand-painted oil painting, rich texture and rich life and color, only a real Pablo Picasso painting can provide.we have been established with European customers good business cooperation, America, Japan, South Korea and North korea.There's no better way to express levels than a high quality the portrait works of art, the artist took the photo to Modern oil painting, you can email your photos or pictures. Our portraits, including portraits, portraits of the house, car, pet portraits, portraits of children, family portraits, wedding portrait, portrait, landscape, portrait, portrait in black and white.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330722
    22 Юли в 16:20
  • Anonimus
    Our mission is to wholesale distributors, offers the best value of Oil Painting Reproductions and the service of the hotel, restaurants, galleries, interior designers, furniture manufacturers, and consumers. We only provide 100% hand-painted oil painting, rich texture and rich life and color, only a real Pablo Picasso painting can provide.we have been established with European customers good business cooperation, America, Japan, South Korea and North korea.There's no better way to express levels than a high quality the portrait works of art, the artist took the photo to Modern oil painting, you can email your photos or pictures. Our portraits, including portraits, portraits of the house, car, pet portraits, portraits of children, family portraits, wedding portrait, portrait, landscape, portrait, portrait in black and white.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330722
    22 Юли в 16:20
  • Anonimus
    This is a family of farmers, this simple warmth. Marie think Jesus on her knees, her baby breastfeeding. Beside Oil Painting is a bit far away from the center of the digital, chop into small pieces of wood. In this picture, the data of small space occupation. He took the family into a carpenter's house, this is a studio and Christianity oil paintings. The whole room show because this setting can help people better understand the story. Wood was stacked in the stove next to the ground. A string of garlic hanging on a nail. In the darkness, we can peep Wassily Kandinsky, fireplaces and other appliances. In a carpenter in the studio, we can feel free and convenient. Every little thing, there is a timeless quality.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330724
    24 Юли в 10:10
  • Anonimus

    Also the sun shines in Marie ray, Anna and Joseph, but Photo to Painting are submerged in the dark. Through the contrast of light and shade of the use of unique, dark brightness better because they reduce unnecessary elements. Rembrandt also use lamplight emphasizes Still life oil painting center part. His paintings are full of drama and rendering techniques. This is an important feature in the works of Rembrandt. This Thanksgiving oil painting depicts Venus embrace Adonis who don't with all her love to go. But the handsome young man, never thought of this beautiful girl. Rapid momentum he quickly almost to Jin Xingluo on the ground. Poor Venus lost all the magic of love. The lander is designed using water as adonis.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330725
    25 Юли в 13:36
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