Магарешко яздене

Добавена на 30 Август 2011 | Категория: Упражнения | Добави в любими

Тип : Силово
Основни мускули, извършващи движението : Прасец
Други мускули, участващи в движението : Солеуси
Екипировка и оборудване : Машина за магарешко яздене (но не е задължителна)
Ниво : Напреднали
Движение : Бутане

Начин на изпълнение

➡ Стъпете на подходяща поставка (височина), при която да можете да свалите пети по-ниско от пръстите си.
➡ Хванете се за опора пред вас. Тялото ви трябва да застане приблизително под формата на буквата "г".
➡ Тренировъчният ви партньор трябва да седне в основата на гърба ви.
➡ При това положение повдигнете петите максимално нагоре.
➡ Задръжте секунда и бавно спуснете в изходно положение.


Упражнението може да се извършва на специална машина без да имате нужда от партньор!


  • Anonimus
    I know I may sound crazy, but some designer handbags should not be copied. I mean special edition bag, wallet exotic leather or color, basically everything way too expensive. Why do I say this? Well, even the best Replica Handbags manufacturers can be compared to the brand, especially if we are talking about Hermes.The replica handbags website is inconsistent replica purses are known lovers. However, the site I want to talk about surprising. They are the best Prada and Celine Replica Handbags website, but when they have a relatively simple reproduction bags, they somehow botch up.No matter what you call Celine luggage phantom square Celine phantom replica wallet or just , open this bag is one of the most famous bags these days. Today, I want to tell you how to find the best replica handbags Celine Phantom.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330617
    17 Юни в 06:50
  • Anonimus
    From now on you should automatically redirect the old address, but I just want you to know our new home. New address again www.spotbags.cn, so if you want to ask questions, review your favorite Louis Vuitton Handbags, or just say "Hi", which is everyone's place.Take bills - we're moving! Spotbags new home is www.spotbags.cn, so when you get a chance, be sure to update your bookmarks! Of course, I'm still your source features reviews and advice on all things to do Designer Replica Handbags! I do not know your girl, but I like the new club to promote fashion. This is good, although they keep it in the same note last month. While other sites provide a copy of the scarf, or free shipping, but some countries, the fashion club decided to add extra stuff.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330618
    18 Юни в 08:16
  • Anonimus
    If the last month you have a chance to get free copies of Louis Vuitton handbags fast, in December this year, you can complete your look, a free copy of Louis Vuitton purse and a bag Koala charm. I've never bought a Wholesale Louis Vuitton or any other brand charm, I think this is the perfect time to try them out.I always get a lot of letters, and asked me what is the safest way to pay online. Today I want to talk about the two of them, and I talk about that, you can try some new alternative payment method. After all, savvy consumers get a better bag! Generally from the first copy of the consumer, but even the old pros have a problem, because the technology is always changing, they want to stay up late date!Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags online payment, the two most popular method is credit card and PayPal services, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330619
    19 Юни в 06:28
  • Anonimus
    Let's start using PayPal. This is not popular it was when it first appeared, but most sites still accept it, many people still prefer to Replica Handbags. Its advantage is very fast and easy to use once it's set up - although the initial setup is a total pain! You must verify your bank account, as well as through some other hoops to jump. For businesses, although it is easier to set up than to have a proper Replica Handbags account. For this reason, I strongly recommend that you avoid any website, only PayPal. The main reason is that you have more protection against fraud and other potential problems. At some point we ran into crummy website, most credit cards do not hold your responsibility, if you are a victim of fraud. It is also easier on your credit card with funds reversed, and that kind of thing PayPal does not provide good protection.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330620
    20 Юни в 08:21
  • Anonimus
    There are so many things that you need to pay attention, so many things you should look, and sometimes you just want to give up! That's why I made this blog to keep all copies enthusiasts easy thing! So, you want to be a savvy online shopping? Here are some rules you should follow every time you want to buy things online, even if it is not a copy of the relevant! These simple rules will ensure that you get a copy of Louis Vuitton Handbags, each time.It the most important thing that you must do, because you may get stuck a Designer Replica Handbags! Some sites will be honest and simply tell their own terms and conditions. Never order from a site does not accept the "color" Because of your return. If you hate the color, or it's not like a picture, you have the right to return package!sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330621
    21 Юни в 08:59
  • Anonimus
    If you have any PV orders is excellent, they still will be shipped to you as usual, without any delay. Similarly, they June promotion is still valid, you still have time to use it, if you hurry! Spend $ 75 or more club fashion Replica Handbags, shoes, watches or jewelry, you will be regarded as a beautiful Louis Vuitton cosmetic pouch.A some time ago, one of my friends where to buy the best mulberry replica need some advice handbag. At first, she thought Sang per capita, but was out of stock,The bag is not perfect, but it is the best I've ever seen a copy, I always say, the Replica Handbags website wildly inconsistent far.Like, they can have a beautiful replica purses, like Celine and Givenchy, but, when it comes to other brands, they have no idea how they should look like. Today I have a good example.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330623
    23 Юни в 06:04
  • Anonimus
    Our stores to meet customer needs, creating a fantastic handbag. We provide not only a fake Chanel bags, there are many brands of Louis Vuitton Handbags. Welcome to browse our website to buy your love handbags, we pay a lot of attention to detail, our fake designer handbags. Use exact materials the original designers use, in order to create a brand of fake bags, is indistinguishable from the real thing. Our replicas are made with only the best, shoes, specially treated material. Such as Designer Replica Handbags, our age in time to the same shades as the authentic bags, and feature the same timestamp and serial number as the original. French flare evident in the world-famous line of luxury handbags is also present in our replicas. The envy of all your friends by buying one of these quality replicas.Our Online is a professional fake bags shop.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330624
    24 Юни в 07:19
  • Anonimus
    They are suitable for all occasions, such as marriage, dinner, etc. These replica handbags are very elegant gift for friends and family. Can you imagine your mother or sister university to a new Wholesale Louis Vuitton and all labels in the world has never been such a feeling. With high quality assurance mark, you can brighten up your day. It can start a fresh day in your life daily.Our shop fake handbags collection and provides a large range. As you know, such as Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags is currently all the rage in the fashion conscious women. Achieve customer satisfaction is very important to the designer. It is light and easy to buy a pocket. We also keep stocked with the latest styles. From a variety of brands of fake handbags fashion. Our site has a wide variety of fashionable handbags, fake designer bags all with such chic style. Never been so affordable! Warmly welcome to visit our website to purchase your favorite handbags.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330625
    25 Юни в 12:46
  • Anonimus
    As we know, we provide 100% guarantee on the items on our website is brand new, has a good appearance, and they are at a reasonable price.one fashion designer handbags sale is that all people need something to show your grace. But frankly, a real Louis Vuitton handbag is too expensive, can not afford. Therefore, to store Replica Handbags becoming increasingly popular. Cheap Louis Vuitton online store, you will get your favorite LV bag, with less money, but the bags are high quality. Most people want to have a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag, which is luxury and elegance. However, few people can afford to buy a real Louis Vuitton high cost, so buy Replica Handbags become popular now. We offer high-quality Louis Vuitton replicas, you will get a new Louis Vuitton Sofia Coppola and Louis Vuitton M95858 scandium calfskin bags here with less money, fast shipping. Shopping here is your best choice!sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330626
    26 Юни в 05:40
  • Anonimus
    Using a tiny flower pot concept, in its range of authentic LV bag, you will find some. Superior really good material for Louis Vuitton bag, a lot of container suppliers to discover and create a unit like a good challenge.In fashion land, the real Louis Vuitton Handbags usually are stuck Vuittion big consideration. An innovative container Lu attractive women can be described as a particular model is absolutely difficult read.The notation, with the popularity of Louis Vuitton bags and side effects have emerged, there is a certain Designer Replica Handbags container, including Angelina Jolie Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson and Beyonce together, for example. A variety of factors, real Louis Vuitton bag is really go the Louis Vuitton brand will definitely be respected.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201330627
    27 Юни в 03:31
  • Anonimus
    Do you know batik clothing? Yes,Canvas Painting one of the beautiful arts on fabric that you could get in Indonesia. Batik gives your clothes some beautiful, natural and traditional pattern.Georgia O'Keeffe paintingsbatik also can be accustomed to build your clothes looks stylish. Actually, should you apply batik in a way, you can make any appearance that you want. So, it’sChristianity oil paintings art of painting on fabric that people have to protect.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201320716
    16 Юли в 18:16
  • Anonimus

    According to locals, Paintings very best time to visit the caves is all about 11:00 if the sun lights up the cavern fantastically.Heroes MusuemReferred to because the Muzium Tokoh Negeri, the Heroes Museum - adjacent to your Pahang Tourism office - is housed insideMother and Child painting a fantastically refurbished colonial-era mansion.Opened in 2000, Mother day painting is situated close by their state Mosque and it has six galleries as well as an audio-visual room in addition to a library.sunglassesandhandbagsfromjiyouarts201320724
    24 Юли в 06:45
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